WWE Royal Rumble
January 23rd 1993
From The Arco Arena in Sacramento, California
Gorilla Monsoon & Bobby “The Brain” Heenan are on commentary.
1) The Beverly Brothers
(Beau & Blake) vs The Steiner Brothers (Rick & Scott)
Winners: The Steiners after Blake held Scott in Doomsday positon,
as Beau went to the top, but as he dove off for a Clothesline, Scott ducked and
used a Victory Roll for a 2 count, before sending Blake into the ropes and
using The Frankensteiner to plant him and pick up the 3 count.
2) WWE Intercontinental
Championship match: “The Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels vs Marty Jannetty
Sensational Sherri came down to ringside first, standing by herself
and watching the match without taking a side. Sherri finally became involved,
as Michaels was recovering on the ropes and she slapped him!
Winner and STILL IC
Champion: Michaels after the Referee got knocked down and after some fighting,
Jannetty held Michaels, as Sherri entered the ring and took off her high heel!
Sherri swung at Michaels, who moved and Jannetty was dropped by the heel!
Michaels gets in Sherri’s face and intimidates her, as the Referee comes to and
she bails to the back, Michaels pulls Jannetty up and scored with The Superkick
and gets the pin.
Sherri is in hysterics in the back, with “Mean” Gene Okerlund
trying to calm her down, as Michaels runs up to confront Sherri and Jannetty
quickly arrives the brawl with Michaels until they are pulled apart.
3) Bam Bam Bigelow vs The
Big Bossman
Winner: Bigelow after Bossman sent him into the corner and charged
in, only for Bigelow to get a boot up and then follow with a Lariat, before
going to the top and scoring with a HUGE Flying Headbutt, following with the
Footage of Razor Ramon attacking Owen Hart during an interview.
Ramon promo from the skybox at Arco Arena, the night before.
4) WWE Championship
match: Bret “The Hitman” Hart vs Razor Ramon
Winner and STILL WWE Champion: Hart after Ramon had Hart up for The
Razor’s Edge, but Hart was able to escape and use a Backslide for a 2 count,
but Ramon was immediately back on him with boots. Ramon hooked a Roman Knuckle
Lock and put the boots to Hart, before sending him HARD into the corner and
Hart went down. Ramon slapped at the back of Hart’s head and reapplied the
Knuckle Lock, only this time Hart countered into a Bow and Arrow Sunset Rollup
for a 2, before transitioning into The Sharpshooter, forcing Ramon to Submit.
Bobby “The Brain” Heenan introduces “The Narcissist” Lex Luger, who
poses in front of mirrors. Heenan puts over the muscular definition and Luger
being in love with himself, before giving Lex the mic and he cuts a promo on
being the perfect physical specimen and calling out Mr. Perfect.
Cesar & Cleopatra come to the ring and welcome the WWE Universe
to Wrestlemania IX at Cesar’s Palace in Wrestlemania and announces the winner
of The Royal Rumble would be getting a shot at the WWE Championship at
5) 1993 Royal Rumble:
Order of Entrance: 1) “Nature Boy” Ric Flair, 2) Bob Backlund, 3) Papa
Shango, 4) “The Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase w/”The Mouth of the South”
Jimmy Hart, 5) Brian Knobbs, 6) Virgil, 7) Jerry “The King” Lawler, 8) Max Moon, 9) Genichiro
Tenryu, 10) Mr. Perfect, 11) Skinner, 12) Koko B. Ware, 13) Samu w/Afa, 14) The
Berzerker, 15) The Undertaker w/Paul Bearer, 16) Terry Taylor, 17) Damien
Demento, 18) Irwin R. Schyseter w/Jimmy Hart, 19) Tatanka, 20) Jerry Saggs, 21)
Typhoon, 22) Fatu w/Afa, 23) Earthquake, 24) Carlos Colon, 25) “El Matador”
Tito Santana, 26) “The Model” Rick Martel, 27) Yokozuna 2/Mr. Fuji, 28) “The
Rocket” Owen Hart, 29) The Repo Man, 30) “The Macho Man” Randy Savage
Order of Eliminations: 1) Backlund & Flair eliminated Shango,
2) DiBiase eliminated Knobbs, 3) Lawler eliminated Moon, 4) Perfect eliminated
Flair, 5) Perfect eliminated Skinner, 6) Perfect eliminated Lawler, 7) Lawler,
Koko & DiBiase eliminated Perfect, 8) Berzerker eliminated Virgil, 9)
Undertaker eliminated Samu, 10) Undertaker eliminated Tenryu, 11) DiBiase
eliminated Taylor, 12) DiBiase eliminated Koko, 13) Undertaker eliminated
DiBiase, 14) Undertaker eliminated Berzerker, 15) Giant Gonzales eliminated
Undertaker, 16) Earthquake eliminated Typhoon, 17) Colon eliminated Demento,
18) Backlund eliminated Fatu, 19) Earthquake eliminated IRS, 20) Yokzuna
eliminated Tatanka, 21) Yokozuna eliminated Colon, 22) Yokozuna eliminated
Earthquake, 23) Yokozuna eliminated Santana, 24) Hart eliminated Saggs, 25)
Yokozuna eliminated Hart, 26) Yokozuna eliminated Repo, 27) Backlund eliminated
Martel, 28) Yokozuna eliminated Backlund, 29) Yokozuna eliminated Savage after
Randy scored with a Flying Elbow Drop and covered, only for Yoko to Press
Savage off and over the top rope!
During the match, after Taker eliminated Berzerker, Harvey
Whippleman led Giant Gonzales to the ring. Gonzales entered the ring and stared
down Undertaker and as he dwarfed the dead man, Taker started to swing, only
for the Giant to rock Taker back and knock him over the top, eliminating him and
then beating him around ringside. Giant took it into the ring and even though
Taker squared up, Gonzales Chokeslammed him and then dragged the lifeless body
to the ring post, where he wrapped Taker’s knee around the steel, before a team
of Referees finally got him to leave.
WWE Royal Rumble 2001
January 21st, 2001
From The New Orleans Arena in New
Orleans, Louisiana
Presented by
Jim Ross & Jerry
“The King” Lawler on commentary
1) WWE Tag Team Championship match: Edge &
Christian© vs The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray & D-Von)
and NEW WWE Tag Champions: Dudleyz after setting Christian up for The 3D, only
to see Edge rip D-Von to the mat with a Spear, as Christian spiked Bubba with a
DDT and covered for 3. Christian set Bubba up for The What’s Up Headbutt, with
Edge on the top, only Bubba rolled into the advantage, as D-Von pushed Edge off
the top and into a Headbutt to Christian! The Dudleyz followed with The 3D on
Edge to get the win!
Footage of Drew Carey
arriving to the building is shown.
Footage from Sunday
Night Heat is shown, with Vince McMahon talking to Michael Cole about Stone
Cold Steve Austin competing in the Royal Rumble tonight. He says that Triple H
should not be penalized, because Kurt Angle caused the confrontation, giving
Triple H the World Title shot tonight.
Triple H &
Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley are talking about his World Title shot against Kurt
Angle and their feud with Trish Stratus. Drew Carey walks in and they share
some pleasantries, before asking for Vince McMahon. Stephanie takes him to
Trish’ locker room instead!
The APA (Bradshaw
& Farooq) are sitting at their table, playing cards, drinking beers and
smoking cigars. They read their Royal Rumble numbers and laugh. Crash Holly
shows up and says that they are friends, but if they get in his way, he will
eliminate them, they continue to laugh.
2) WWE Intercontinental Championship Ladder
match: “The Crippler” Chris Benoit© vs “Y2J” Chris Jericho
and NEW Intercontinental Champion: Jericho after Benoit was near the top of the
Ladder, only for Jericho to bring a Chair into the ring and blast Benoit with
shots to the back, until Benoit kicked him away. Jericho bounced off the ropes
and pushed the ladder, causing Benoit to crash down, across and over the top
rope, and to the floor! Jericho slowly climbed him way up the ladder, as Benoit
crawled to the ring apron, to watch Jericho retrieve the IC Title!
Drew Carey is in Trish
Stratus’ locker room, flirting with her, until she says she is involved with
someone. Drew says that Stephanie told him different and Vince McMahon walks
in, looking suspicious of Drew’s presence. They nervously talk about Carey’s
PPV comedy special and Drew asks Vince for advice, leading to McMahon putting
Drew in the Royal Rumble. Saying if he wants to impress the WWE fans or Trish,
he should participate, Trish tells Drew that she will be impressed and he
agrees! Vince and Trish leave.
Chyna is preparing for
her match, Billy Gunn is talking about being nervous and concerned about Chyna
getting hurt again, she says it’ll be fine.
Michael Cole
interviews NEW WWE IC Champion Chris Jericho on his Ladder match win.
3) WWE Women’s Championship match: Ivory© w/Steven
Richards vs “The Ninth Wonder of the World” Chyna
show a highlight package of Chyna’s neck injury via Val Venis Piledriver and
her road to recovery.
Winner and STILL Women’s Champion: Ivory after
Chyna dominated the match, threw Richards out of the ring and then beat Ivory
into the corner. Chyna went to the opposite corner and used a Cartwheel into a
Back Handspring Elbow, but connected awkwardly and the whip-lash seriously
injured Chyna. Ivory draped an elbow over the 3 count and got out of there with
Jerry Lawler and staff
were immediately at Chyna’s side, before the medics came out to neck brace and
gurney her out.
Trish Stratus walks
into the dressing room, where she is greeted by Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley,
Stephanie throws some threats and Trish walks out.
Drew Carey is in the
locker room and gets his gear dropped off. Kane walks in and Carey introduces
himself, but Kane is having none of it.
D-Lo Brown, Chaz &
Tiger Ali Singh are in the locker room, talking about Royal Rumble strategy,
when Vince McMahon walks in. Vine tells them that they are no longer in the
Rumble and they all look disappointed. Tiger asks Vince who got their spot, he
says Drew Carey.
Triple H is shown
getting fired up.
4) WWE Championship match: Kurt Angle© w/Trish
Stratus vs “The Game” Triple H w/Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley
the match, Stephanie distracted the Referee, as HHH had Angle’s legs wrapped
around the ring post, allowing HHH to grab a chair and blast Angle’s legs with
a chair shot!
Stephanie and Trish got into a big Cat Fight,
bringing Vince McMahon down to break it up. He started carrying Trish to the
back, as Stephanie was held by Referees, only for Steph to break loose and
tackle them both down! They all scramble to the back.
Winner and STILL WWE Champion: Kurt Angle
after Referee Earl Hebner was down and out on the floor, as HHH used The
Pedigree on Angle and covered. HHH took a moment, but got to his feet and left
the ring to check on Hebner, as Steve Austin ran down and attacked HHH! He beat
down Trips around and into the ring, where he drilled him with the WWE Title
belt and then threw Hebner back into the ring. Austin slid back into the ring
and used The Stunner on a bloody HHH, before dragging Angle into the cover and
flipping off HHH, before leaving, as Hebner came to and counted the 3.
Entrant #30 Rikishi is
shown preparing. The Undertaker is shown preparing,
The Rock is standing
by with Kevin Kelly, who interviews him, until Rock cuts him off for a promo.
5) 2001 Royal Rumble: Steve Austin eliminated
Kane to win the Royal Rumble.
of Entrants: 1) Jeff Hardy, 2) Bull Buchanan, 3) Matt Hardy, 4) Farooq, 5) Drew
Carey, 6) “The Big Red Machine” Kane, 7) Raven, 8) Al Snow (came down early and
attacked Raven, but was held out of the ring until his time counted down), 9) Saturn
w/Terri Runnels, 10) Steve Blackman, 11) Grandmaster Sexay (RIP), 12) The Honky
Tonk Man, 13) The Rock, 14) The Goodfather 15) Taz, 16) Bradshaw, 17) Albert,
18) Hardcore Holly, 19) K-Kwick, 20) Val Venis, 21) William Regal, 22) Test
(RIP), 23) The Big Show, 24) Crash Holly, 25) The Undertaker, 26) Scotty Too
Hotty, 27) “Stone Cold” Steve Austin (Triple H attacked Austin from behind,
beating him down on the aisle way), 28) Billy Gunn, 29) Haku, 30) Rikishi
of Eliminations: 1) Hardyz eliminate Buchanan, 2) Hardyz eliminated Farooq, 3) &
4) Matt and Jeff Hardy eliminated each other off the top rope, 5) Drew Carey
eliminated himself, 6) Kane eliminated Sexay, 7) Kane eliminated Blackman, 8) Kane
eliminated Snow, 9) Kane eliminated Raven, 10) Kane eliminated Saturn, 11) Kane
eliminated Honky, 12) Rock eliminated Goodfather, 13) Kane eliminated Taz, 14)
Test eliminated Regal, 15) Big Show eliminated Test, 16) Big Show eliminated
K-Kwick, 17) Rock eliminated Big Show, (Big Show tore apart the announcer’s
tables and pulled Rock out of the ring. Show Chokeslammed Rock through the
English commentator’s table and walked away), 18) Undertaker eliminated Bradshaw,
19) Kane eliminated Crash Holly, 20) Kane eliminated Albert, 21) Undertaker
eliminated Hardcore Holly, 22) Undertaker eliminated Venis, 23) Undertaker
& Kane eliminated Scotty Too Hotty, 24) A BLOODY AUSTIN GETS BACK IN THE RING and
eliminated Haku, 25) Rikishi eliminated The Undertaker, 26) The Rock eliminated
Rikishi, 27) Austin eliminated Gunn, 28) Kane eliminated The Rock, 29) Steve
Austin blasted Kane with 3 chair shots to the head, before using a Clothesline
to take him over the top for the win.
WWE “Royal Rumble 2002”
From The Phillips Arena in Atlanta,
Jim Ross & Jerry
“The King” Lawler on commentary.
1) WWE Tag Team Championship match: Spike
Duldey & Taz© vs The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray & D-Von) w/Stacy Keibler
is sporting a neck brace.
Winners and STILL Tag Team Champions: Taz
& Spike after Stacy distracted Taz and went to slap him, only for Taz to
duck and apply The Tazmission on Stacy. D-Von crashed into Taz, causing Stacy
to crash to the floor and Spike caught D-Von with a boot and went for The
Dudley Dawg, only for D-Von to throw Spike out of the ring! D-Von charged at
Taz, who moved out of the corner and then applied The Tazmission, forcing D-Von
to Tap Out.
Footage of Edge and
William Regal’s feud and then Lillian Garcia interviews the WWE
Intercontinental Champion Edge about his upcoming Title defense against Regal.
Edge says he will combat Regal’s Brass Knuckles with a Chair!
2) WWE Intercontinental Champion: Edge© vs
William Regal
and NEW WWE IC Champion: William Regal after pulling the Referee in the way of
Edge’s Spear, taking all three down. Edge got up and went after Regal, who
BLASTED Edge with a Brass Knuckles Punch, knocking him out and covering, as the
Referee came to and counted the 3.
Michael Cole
interviews William Regal about his win, Regal says he has never been more
3) WWE Women’s Championship match with
Jacqueline serving as the Special Guest Referee: Trish Stratus© vs Jazz
has her left hand bandaged up.
Winner and STILL Women’s Champion: Trish
Stratus after Jazz celebrated a little too much, before sending Trish across to
the corner and charging in, Trish got her boot up and quickly followed with a
Bulldog to get the win.
Jonathan Coachman
attempts to get a word with Ric Flair, who is walking in with his daughter and
son, Reid. Flair introduces them and then Woooos off.
4) Street Fight: Vince McMahon vs “Nature Boy”
Ric Flair
Flair after a bloody Vince tried to beg off Flair, who put a boot to him and
punched away at the bloody head, before catching him with a Back Kick to the nuts.
Flair retrieved a Steel Pipe from the corner and when Vince staggered to his
feet, Flair cracked him over the head and then applied The Figure Four Leg
Lock, forcing Vince to Tap Out.
Michael Cole starts to
interview Referee Nick Patrick about the controversial finish to the IC Title
match, when Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley shows up and takes over for Nick. She
cuts a promo on Triple H dominating the Royal Rumble and trash talks Steve
Austin and Debra, as Stone Cold walks up on her. Great What promo to Stephanie.
Austin promo on winning the Royal Rumble.
5) WWE Undisputed Championship match: “Y2J”
Chris Jericho© vs The Rock
and STILL Undisputed Champion: Jericho after Jericho blasted Rock with one of
the Title belts and called for a second Referee, before covering, as Nick
Patrick slid in and counted, but Rock kicked out! Both Jericho and Patrick
looked shock, before Jericho pulled Rock up, only to eat a DDT and Rock
covered, but Patrick didn’t count the fall! Rock got up and PLANTED Patrick
with The Rock Bottom, just as Jericho charged, Rock planted him with a
Spinebuster and then hit The People’s Elbow and covered, but Patrick and Earl
Hebner were still down. Rock looked frustrated and got up, Jericho caught him
with a Low Blow and then slammed his head into the exposed turnbuckle, before using
a School Boy and getting his feet on the ropes for the win!
“The Heartbreak Kid”
Shawn Michaels is live from WWE New York and gets interviewed by Jim Ross. HBK
picks either The Undertaker or Steve Austin to win the Royal Rumble.
6) 2002 Royal Rumble: Triple H eliminated Kurt
Angle to win!
of Entrance: 1) Rikishi, 2) Goldust, 3) The Big Bossman, 4) Bradshaw, 5) Lance
Storm, 6) Al Snow, 7) Billy Gunn, 8) The Undertaker, 9) Matt Hardy, 10) Jeff Hardy,
11) Maven, 12) Scotty Too Hotty (Undertaker dropped him on the way to the ring),
13) Christian, 14) Diamond Dallas Page, 15) Chuck Palumbo, 16) The Godfather,
17) Albert, 18) Perry Saturn, 19) Stone Cold Steve Austin, 20) Val Venis, 21) Test,
22) Triple H, 23) Hurricane Helms, 24) Farooq, 25) Mr. Perfect, 26) Kurt Angle,
27) The Big Show, 28) Kane, 29) Rob Van Dam, 30) Booker T
Order of
Eliminations: 1) Rikishi eliminated Bossman, 2) Snow eliminated Storm, 3) Gunn
eliminated Bradshaw, 4) Undertaker eliminated Goldust, 5) Undertaker eliminated
Snow, 6) Undertaker eliminated Rikishi, 7) Undertaker eliminated Gunn, 8) Undertaker
eliminated Jeff Hardy, 9) Undertaker eliminated Matt Hardy, 10) Maven
eliminated Undertaker after The Hardy Boyz came back in and fought with Taker,
he got rid of them and yelled by the ropes, allowing Maven to Dropkick his back
and eliminate him! Taker DESTROYED MAVEN, one of the gnarliest Chair Shots you
will ever see, 11) Undertaker threw Maven over the top rope and beat his ass
all through the arena, 12) DDP eliminated Scotty Too Hotty, 13) Christian
eliminated DDP, 14) Chuck & Christian eliminated Albert, 15) Chuck &
Christian eliminated Godfather, 16) Austin eliminated Christian, 17) Austin eliminated
Palumbo, 18) Austin eliminated Saturn, 19) Austin eliminated Venis, 20) Austin
eliminated Test, 21) Austin & Triple H eliminated Hurricane, 22) HHH
eliminated Farooq, 23) Kane eliminated Big Show, 24) Angle eliminated Kane, 25)
Booker T eliminated RVD, 26) Austin eliminated Booker, 27) Angle eliminated
Austin, Austin got back in the ring and crushed everyone with Chair Shots, 28)
HHH eliminated Perfect, 29) Triple H eliminated Kurt Angle to win
WWE Royal Rumble 2001
January 21st, 2001
From The New Orleans Arena in New
Orleans, Louisiana
Presented by
Jim Ross & Jerry
“The King” Lawler on commentary
1) WWE Tag Team Championship match: Edge &
Christian© vs The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray & D-Von)
and NEW WWE Tag Champions: Dudleyz after setting Christian up for The 3D, only
to see Edge rip D-Von to the mat with a Spear, as Christian spiked Bubba with a
DDT and covered for 3. Christian set Bubba up for The What’s Up Headbutt, with
Edge on the top, only Bubba rolled into the advantage, as D-Von pushed Edge off
the top and into a Headbutt to Christian! The Dudleyz followed with The 3D on
Edge to get the win!
Footage of Drew Carey
arriving to the building is shown.
Footage from Sunday
Night Heat is shown, with Vince McMahon talking to Michael Cole about Stone
Cold Steve Austin competing in the Royal Rumble tonight. He says that Triple H
should not be penalized, because Kurt Angle caused the confrontation, giving
Triple H the World Title shot tonight.
Triple H &
Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley are talking about his World Title shot against Kurt
Angle and their feud with Trish Stratus. Drew Carey walks in and they share
some pleasantries, before asking for Vince McMahon. Stephanie takes him to
Trish’ locker room instead!
The APA (Bradshaw
& Farooq) are sitting at their table, playing cards, drinking beers and
smoking cigars. They read their Royal Rumble numbers and laugh. Crash Holly
shows up and says that they are friends, but if they get in his way, he will
eliminate them, they continue to laugh.
2) WWE Intercontinental Championship Ladder
match: “The Crippler” Chris Benoit© vs “Y2J” Chris Jericho
and NEW Intercontinental Champion: Jericho after Benoit was near the top of the
Ladder, only for Jericho to bring a Chair into the ring and blast Benoit with
shots to the back, until Benoit kicked him away. Jericho bounced off the ropes
and pushed the ladder, causing Benoit to crash down, across and over the top
rope, and to the floor! Jericho slowly climbed him way up the ladder, as Benoit
crawled to the ring apron, to watch Jericho retrieve the IC Title!
Drew Carey is in Trish
Stratus’ locker room, flirting with her, until she says she is involved with
someone. Drew says that Stephanie told him different and Vince McMahon walks
in, looking suspicious of Drew’s presence. They nervously talk about Carey’s
PPV comedy special and Drew asks Vince for advice, leading to McMahon putting
Drew in the Royal Rumble. Saying if he wants to impress the WWE fans or Trish,
he should participate, Trish tells Drew that she will be impressed and he
agrees! Vince and Trish leave.
Chyna is preparing for
her match, Billy Gunn is talking about being nervous and concerned about Chyna
getting hurt again, she says it’ll be fine.
Michael Cole
interviews NEW WWE IC Champion Chris Jericho on his Ladder match win.
3) WWE Women’s Championship match: Ivory© w/Steven
Richards vs “The Ninth Wonder of the World” Chyna
show a highlight package of Chyna’s neck injury via Val Venis Piledriver and
her road to recovery.
Winner and STILL Women’s Champion: Ivory after
Chyna dominated the match, threw Richards out of the ring and then beat Ivory
into the corner. Chyna went to the opposite corner and used a Cartwheel into a
Back Handspring Elbow, but connected awkwardly and the whip-lash seriously
injured Chyna. Ivory draped an elbow over the 3 count and got out of there with
Jerry Lawler and staff
were immediately at Chyna’s side, before the medics came out to neck brace and
gurney her out.
Trish Stratus walks
into the dressing room, where she is greeted by Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley,
Stephanie throws some threats and Trish walks out.
Drew Carey is in the
locker room and gets his gear dropped off. Kane walks in and Carey introduces
himself, but Kane is having none of it.
D-Lo Brown, Chaz &
Tiger Ali Singh are in the locker room, talking about Royal Rumble strategy,
when Vince McMahon walks in. Vine tells them that they are no longer in the
Rumble and they all look disappointed. Tiger asks Vince who got their spot, he
says Drew Carey.
Triple H is shown
getting fired up.
4) WWE Championship match: Kurt Angle© w/Trish
Stratus vs “The Game” Triple H w/Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley
the match, Stephanie distracted the Referee, as HHH had Angle’s legs wrapped
around the ring post, allowing HHH to grab a chair and blast Angle’s legs with
a chair shot!
Stephanie and Trish got into a big Cat Fight,
bringing Vince McMahon down to break it up. He started carrying Trish to the
back, as Stephanie was held by Referees, only for Steph to break loose and
tackle them both down! They all scramble to the back.
Winner and STILL WWE Champion: Kurt Angle
after Referee Earl Hebner was down and out on the floor, as HHH used The
Pedigree on Angle and covered. HHH took a moment, but got to his feet and left
the ring to check on Hebner, as Steve Austin ran down and attacked HHH! He beat
down Trips around and into the ring, where he drilled him with the WWE Title
belt and then threw Hebner back into the ring. Austin slid back into the ring
and used The Stunner on a bloody HHH, before dragging Angle into the cover and
flipping off HHH, before leaving, as Hebner came to and counted the 3.
Entrant #30 Rikishi is
shown preparing. The Undertaker is shown preparing,
The Rock is standing
by with Kevin Kelly, who interviews him, until Rock cuts him off for a promo.
5) 2001 Royal Rumble: Steve Austin eliminated
Kane to win the Royal Rumble.
of Entrants: 1) Jeff Hardy, 2) Bull Buchanan, 3) Matt Hardy, 4) Farooq, 5) Drew
Carey, 6) “The Big Red Machine” Kane, 7) Raven, 8) Al Snow (came down early and
attacked Raven, but was held out of the ring until his time counted down), 9) Saturn
w/Terri Runnels, 10) Steve Blackman, 11) Grandmaster Sexay (RIP), 12) The Honky
Tonk Man, 13) The Rock, 14) The Goodfather 15) Taz, 16) Bradshaw, 17) Albert,
18) Hardcore Holly, 19) K-Kwick, 20) Val Venis, 21) William Regal, 22) Test
(RIP), 23) The Big Show, 24) Crash Holly, 25) The Undertaker, 26) Scotty Too
Hotty, 27) “Stone Cold” Steve Austin (Triple H attacked Austin from behind,
beating him down on the aisle way), 28) Billy Gunn, 29) Haku, 30) Rikishi
of Eliminations: 1) Hardyz eliminate Buchanan, 2) Hardyz eliminated Farooq, 3) &
4) Matt and Jeff Hardy eliminated each other off the top rope, 5) Drew Carey
eliminated himself, 6) Kane eliminated Sexay, 7) Kane eliminated Blackman, 8) Kane
eliminated Snow, 9) Kane eliminated Raven, 10) Kane eliminated Saturn, 11) Kane
eliminated Honky, 12) Rock eliminated Goodfather, 13) Kane eliminated Taz, 14)
Test eliminated Regal, 15) Big Show eliminated Test, 16) Big Show eliminated
K-Kwick, 17) Rock eliminated Big Show, (Big Show tore apart the announcer’s
tables and pulled Rock out of the ring. Show Chokeslammed Rock through the
English commentator’s table and walked away), 18) Undertaker eliminated Bradshaw,
19) Kane eliminated Crash Holly, 20) Kane eliminated Albert, 21) Undertaker
eliminated Hardcore Holly, 22) Undertaker eliminated Venis, 23) Undertaker
& Kane eliminated Scotty Too Hotty, 24) A BLOODY AUSTIN GETS BACK IN THE RING and
eliminated Haku, 25) Rikishi eliminated The Undertaker, 26) The Rock eliminated
Rikishi, 27) Austin eliminated Gunn, 28) Kane eliminated The Rock, 29) Steve
Austin blasted Kane with 3 chair shots to the head, before using a Clothesline
to take him over the top for the win.
WWE “Royal Rumble 2002”
From The Phillips Arena in Atlanta,
Jim Ross & Jerry
“The King” Lawler on commentary.
1) WWE Tag Team Championship match: Spike
Duldey & Taz© vs The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray & D-Von) w/Stacy Keibler
is sporting a neck brace.
Winners and STILL Tag Team Champions: Taz
& Spike after Stacy distracted Taz and went to slap him, only for Taz to
duck and apply The Tazmission on Stacy. D-Von crashed into Taz, causing Stacy
to crash to the floor and Spike caught D-Von with a boot and went for The
Dudley Dawg, only for D-Von to throw Spike out of the ring! D-Von charged at
Taz, who moved out of the corner and then applied The Tazmission, forcing D-Von
to Tap Out.
Footage of Edge and
William Regal’s feud and then Lillian Garcia interviews the WWE
Intercontinental Champion Edge about his upcoming Title defense against Regal.
Edge says he will combat Regal’s Brass Knuckles with a Chair!
2) WWE Intercontinental Champion: Edge© vs
William Regal
and NEW WWE IC Champion: William Regal after pulling the Referee in the way of
Edge’s Spear, taking all three down. Edge got up and went after Regal, who
BLASTED Edge with a Brass Knuckles Punch, knocking him out and covering, as the
Referee came to and counted the 3.
Michael Cole
interviews William Regal about his win, Regal says he has never been more
3) WWE Women’s Championship match with
Jacqueline serving as the Special Guest Referee: Trish Stratus© vs Jazz
has her left hand bandaged up.
Winner and STILL Women’s Champion: Trish
Stratus after Jazz celebrated a little too much, before sending Trish across to
the corner and charging in, Trish got her boot up and quickly followed with a
Bulldog to get the win.
Jonathan Coachman
attempts to get a word with Ric Flair, who is walking in with his daughter and
son, Reid. Flair introduces them and then Woooos off.
4) Street Fight: Vince McMahon vs “Nature Boy”
Ric Flair
Flair after a bloody Vince tried to beg off Flair, who put a boot to him and
punched away at the bloody head, before catching him with a Back Kick to the nuts.
Flair retrieved a Steel Pipe from the corner and when Vince staggered to his
feet, Flair cracked him over the head and then applied The Figure Four Leg
Lock, forcing Vince to Tap Out.
Michael Cole starts to
interview Referee Nick Patrick about the controversial finish to the IC Title
match, when Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley shows up and takes over for Nick. She
cuts a promo on Triple H dominating the Royal Rumble and trash talks Steve
Austin and Debra, as Stone Cold walks up on her. Great What promo to Stephanie.
Austin promo on winning the Royal Rumble.
5) WWE Undisputed Championship match: “Y2J”
Chris Jericho© vs The Rock
and STILL Undisputed Champion: Jericho after Jericho blasted Rock with one of
the Title belts and called for a second Referee, before covering, as Nick
Patrick slid in and counted, but Rock kicked out! Both Jericho and Patrick
looked shock, before Jericho pulled Rock up, only to eat a DDT and Rock
covered, but Patrick didn’t count the fall! Rock got up and PLANTED Patrick
with The Rock Bottom, just as Jericho charged, Rock planted him with a
Spinebuster and then hit The People’s Elbow and covered, but Patrick and Earl
Hebner were still down. Rock looked frustrated and got up, Jericho caught him
with a Low Blow and then slammed his head into the exposed turnbuckle, before using
a School Boy and getting his feet on the ropes for the win!
“The Heartbreak Kid”
Shawn Michaels is live from WWE New York and gets interviewed by Jim Ross. HBK
picks either The Undertaker or Steve Austin to win the Royal Rumble.
6) 2002 Royal Rumble: Triple H eliminated Kurt
Angle to win!
of Entrance: 1) Rikishi, 2) Goldust, 3) The Big Bossman, 4) Bradshaw, 5) Lance
Storm, 6) Al Snow, 7) Billy Gunn, 8) The Undertaker, 9) Matt Hardy, 10) Jeff Hardy,
11) Maven, 12) Scotty Too Hotty (Undertaker dropped him on the way to the ring),
13) Christian, 14) Diamond Dallas Page, 15) Chuck Palumbo, 16) The Godfather,
17) Albert, 18) Perry Saturn, 19) Stone Cold Steve Austin, 20) Val Venis, 21) Test,
22) Triple H, 23) Hurricane Helms, 24) Farooq, 25) Mr. Perfect, 26) Kurt Angle,
27) The Big Show, 28) Kane, 29) Rob Van Dam, 30) Booker T
Order of
Eliminations: 1) Rikishi eliminated Bossman, 2) Snow eliminated Storm, 3) Gunn
eliminated Bradshaw, 4) Undertaker eliminated Goldust, 5) Undertaker eliminated
Snow, 6) Undertaker eliminated Rikishi, 7) Undertaker eliminated Gunn, 8) Undertaker
eliminated Jeff Hardy, 9) Undertaker eliminated Matt Hardy, 10) Maven
eliminated Undertaker after The Hardy Boyz came back in and fought with Taker,
he got rid of them and yelled by the ropes, allowing Maven to Dropkick his back
and eliminate him! Taker DESTROYED MAVEN, one of the gnarliest Chair Shots you
will ever see, 11) Undertaker threw Maven over the top rope and beat his ass
all through the arena, 12) DDP eliminated Scotty Too Hotty, 13) Christian
eliminated DDP, 14) Chuck & Christian eliminated Albert, 15) Chuck &
Christian eliminated Godfather, 16) Austin eliminated Christian, 17) Austin eliminated
Palumbo, 18) Austin eliminated Saturn, 19) Austin eliminated Venis, 20) Austin
eliminated Test, 21) Austin & Triple H eliminated Hurricane, 22) HHH
eliminated Farooq, 23) Kane eliminated Big Show, 24) Angle eliminated Kane, 25)
Booker T eliminated RVD, 26) Austin eliminated Booker, 27) Angle eliminated
Austin, Austin got back in the ring and crushed everyone with Chair Shots, 28)
HHH eliminated Perfect, 29) Triple H eliminated Kurt Angle to win
WWE “Royal Rumble 2003”
January 19th, 2003
From The Fleet Center in Boston, Massachusetts
Michael Cole & Taz
on Smackdown commentary. Jerry “The King” Lawler & Jim Ross on Raw commentary.
1) Winner gets into the Royal Rumble at #30:
The Big Show w/Paul Heyman vs “The Beast” Brock Lesnar
Lesnar after Show hooked Lesnar for The Chokeslam, Brock countered out and
pushed Show into the ropes, knocking Heyman off the apron and allowing Brock to
follow with a GIANT F5 and cover for the 3.
Chris Jericho is
interviewed about the Royal Rumble and not getting the opportunity to be #1 due
to Shawn Michaels getting that spot.
2) WWE World Tag Team Championship match: Lance
Storm & William Regal©w/Chief of Staff Sean Morley vs The Dudley Boyz
(Bubba Ray & D-Von)
and NEW World Tag Champions: Dudleyz after Regal put on the Brass Knuckles,
while Morley had the Referee distracted, only for The Dudleyz to counter and
put Regal down with The 3D! Bubba knocked Morley off the apron, as D-Von used
the Brass Knuckles to knock out Storm and as the Referee turned, D-Von covered
for the win.
Nathan Jones vignette
3) Dawn Marie vs Torrie Wilson
story going into this one, with Wilson’s step-mother, Dawn Marie, exploiting
the death of her husband, Torrie’s father.
Winner: Torrie after catching Dawn with a
Swinging Neckbreaker and getting the pin.
Eric Bischoff walks up
on Stephanie McMahon talking to Randy Orton. Bischoff greets Orton, as he
leaves and then has a heated exchange with Stephanie, concerning Eric’s job
4) World Heavyweight Championship match: “The
Game” Triple H© w/”The Nature Boy” Ric Flair vs “Big Poppa Pump” Scott Steiner
by Disqualification: Steiner after HHH nailed him with a Sledgehammer.
Steiner beat down
Flair, HHH and then locked HHH in The Steiner Recliner, until the Referees ran
out to pull him off.
5) WWE Championship match: Kurt Angle©
w/World’s Greatest Tag Team (Charlie Haas & Shelton Benjamin) vs “The
Crippler” Chris Benoit
was ejected from ringside before the match started.
Winner and STILL Champion: Angle after
planting Benoit with The Angle Slam, Angle was unable to immediately follow up,
he crawled into the cover, but Benoit kicked out. Angle went into The Ankle
Lock and fought with Benoit for control, finally dropping into a Grapevine and
forcing Benoit to Tap Out!
Kane and Rob Van Dam
promo in their locker room.
2003 Royal Rumble: Brock Lesnar eliminated The
Undertaker to win the Royal Rumble!
Order of Entrants: 1) Shawn Michaels, 2) Chris Jericho
(Jericho had Christian enter on the stage, distracting HBK and allowing Jericho
to attack from behind), 3) Christopher Nowinski, 4) Rey Mysterio Jr, 5) Edge,
6) Christian, 7) Chavo Guerrero Jr., 8) Tajiri, 9) Bill DeMott, 10) Tommy
Dreamer, 11) Bull Buchanan, 12) Rob Van Dam, 13) Matt Hardy w/Shannon Moore,
14) Eddie Guerrero, 15) Jeff Hardy, 16) Rosey w/Rico, 17) Test w/Stacy Keibler,
18) John Cena, 19) Charlie Haas, 20) Rikishi, 21) Jamal w/Rico, 22) Kane, 23) Shelton
Benjamin, 24) Booker T, 25) A-Train, 26) Maven, 27) Goldust, 28) Batista, 29) Brock
Lesnar, 30) The Undertaker
Order of Eliminations: 1) Jericho eliminated Michaels, 2) Mysterio
eliminated Nowinski, 3) Jericho eliminated Mysterio, 4) Edge eliminated DeMott,
5) Jericho & Christian eliminated Dreamer, 6) Jericho eliminated Tajiri, 7)
Edge eliminated Buchanan, 8) Edge eliminated Chavo, 9) Jericho eliminated Edge,
10) Jericho eliminated Christian, 11) RVD eliminated Jeff Hardy, 12) Kane
eliminated Rosey, 13) Booker eliminated Eddie, 14) Test eliminated Jericho
(after Shawn Michaels ran back down and fought with Jericho. He then attacked
after the elimination), 15) Haas eliminated Goldust, 16) Haas & Benjamin
eliminated Booker, 17) Batista eliminated Test, 18) Batista eliminated Rikishi,
19) Lesnar eliminated Haas, 20) Lesnar eliminated Benjamin, 21) Lesnar
eliminated Matt Hardy, 22) Undertaker eliminated Cena, 23) Undertaker
eliminated Jamal, 24) Undertaker eliminated Maven, 25) RVD & Kane
eliminated A-Train, 26) Kane eliminated RVD, 27) Undertaker eliminated Batista,
28) Undertaker eliminated Kane, 29) Brock eliminated Undertaker (After Batista
came back in, with a Chair, and Taker fought him off.)
WWE Royal Rumble
January 25th, 2004
From The Wachovia Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Jim Ross, Jerry “The
King” Lawler & The Coach on Raw commentary. Taz & Michael Cole on Smackdown
1) WWE World Tag Team Championship Tables
match: Evolution (Batista & “Nature Boy” Ric Flair)© vs The Dudley Boyz
(Bubba Ray & D-Von).
and STILL World Tag Champions: Evolution after D-Von took Flair out with a Diving
Shoulder Block, off the top, Batista slid into the ring and drove D-Von through
a Table with a Spinebuster, ending the match.
Josh Matthews interviews
John Cena, who raps about winning the Royal Rumble, until Rob Van Dam
2) WWE Cruiserweight Championship match: Rey
Mysterio Jr.(c) vs Jamie Noble w/Nidia(blinded)
and STILL Cruiserweight Champion: Mysterio after Nidia accidentally (blindly)
tripped up Noble, allowing Rey to knock Noble into the ropes and use The 619 to
set up Dropping The Dime (Springboard Leg Drop) to the back of the neck and
Noble yells at Nidia.
3) Eddie Guerrero vs Chavo Guerrero Jr. w/Chavo
Guerrero Sr.
Eddie after scoring with The Frog Splash.
Eddie viciously beat down both men, bloodying
Chavo Jr.
Evolution promo,
putting over Chris Benoit
4) WWE Championship match: Brock Lesnar© vs
Hardcore Holly
and STILL WWE Champion: Brock after Holly went for a Full Nelson, only for
Brock to counter with a Judo Throw. Both men rolled to their feet, where Holly
charged, but Brock scooped him up and scored with The F5 to get the win.
5) World Championship Last Man Standing match: “The
Game” Triple H© vs “The Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels
bloody battle.
Match was ruled a Double Knockout after both
BLOODY men got to their feet and HBK went for a Lariat, only for HHH to duck
and follow with The Pedigree, which put both men back down on the mat! HHH pulled
himself up at 7, followed by HBK at 9 and when they gained balance, HHH charged
and HBK blasted him with Sweet Chin Music and both men collapsed again! HBK
started to stir, but collapsed back to the mat, as Referee Earl Hebner finished
the 10 count.
Eric Bischoff comes
out and cuts a heel promo on the Philly crowd, bringing out Paul Heyman! Heyman
gets in the ring and immediately attacks Bischoff, bringing out “Stone Cold”
Steve Austin. Austin tries to figure out what the hell they are thinking,
leading to Austin hitting Bischoff with The Stunner and then Heyman, before
celebrating with beers!
Terri interviews Bill
Goldberg about entering his first Royal Rumble, bringing in WWE Champion Brock
Lesnar to cut a promo on Goldberg.
6) 2004 Royal Rumble: Chris Benoit entered #1
and eliminated The Big Show #29 to win the Royal Rumble!
Order of Entrants: 1) Chris
Benoit, 2) WWE Intercontinental Champion Randy Orton, 3) Mark Henry, 4) Tajiri,
5) Bradshaw, 6) Rhyno, 7) Matt Hardy, 8) Scott Steiner, 9) Matt Morgan, 10) The
Hurricane, 11) Booker T, 12) Kane, 13) Spike Dudley (Undertaker’s gong went off
prior, leading to an eliminated Kane putting Spike down with a Chokeslam on the
ramp), 14) Rikishi, 15) Rene Dupree, 16) A-Train, 17) Shelton Benjamin, 18) Ernest
“The Cat” Miller, 19) Kurt Angle, 20) Rico, 21) Test (Never came out, cameras
go to back, Test is knocked out cold. Steve Austin tells someone off camera that
they are now #21) Mick Foley!, 22) Christian, 23) Nunzio (Foley gave Nunzio
Socko, until Orton stopped the attack), 24) The Big Show, 25) Chris Jericho,
26) Charlie Haas, 27) Billy Gunn, 28) John Cena, 29) Rob Van Dam, 30) Goldberg
of Eliminations: 1) Benoit eliminated Bradshaw, 2) Rhyno & Henry eliminated
Tajiri, 3) Benoit eliminated Henry, 4) Morgan eliminated Hurricane, 5) Booker T
eliminated Steiner, 6) Booker eliminated Kane (who was distracted by Undertaker’s
music), 7) Benoit eliminated Rhyno, 8) Dupree eliminated Matt Hardy, 9) Rikishi
eliminated Dupree, 10) Benoit eliminated Morgan, 11) Orton eliminated Rikishi,
12) Orton eliminated Booker, 13) Benoit eliminated A-Train, 14) Orton
eliminated Benjamin, 15) Orton eliminated The Cat, 16) Orton eliminated Rico, 17)
Foley eliminated Orton, 18) Foley eliminated himself, 19) Spike Dudley did not
make it to the ring, 20) Jericho eliminated Christian, 21) Goldberg eliminated
Haas, 22) Goldberg eliminated Gunn, 23) Goldberg eliminated Nunzio, 24) Angle
eliminated Goldberg (after Brock Lesnar ran in and used The F5 to put Goldberg
down), 25) Big Show eliminated Cena, 26) Big Show eliminated RVD, 27) Big Show
eliminated Jericho, 28) Big Show eliminated Angle, 29) Benoit eliminated Big
WWE Royal Rumble
January 30th, 2005
From The St. Marks Center in Fresno, California
Michael Cole & Taz
on commentary for Smackdown. Jerry “The King” Lawler & Jim Ross on Raw
1) Edge vs “The Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels
Edge after countering The Sweet Chin Music into an Electric Chair Drop, Edge slowly
crawled into the cover, picking up a 2. Both men got to their feet and
exchanged shots, until Edge went for an Irish Whip, which Michaels countered
into a Sunset Flip, but Edge rolled out and applied The Edgecution (Standing
modified Figure Four), torturing HBK, until he got to the ropes. Edge went to
follow up, Michaels used an Inside Cradle for a 2, Edge pulled him back up,
only for HBK to use an O’Connor Roll, which Edge escaped by pulling Michaels’
tights to reverse the hold and pull the ropes to sit deep into the pin!
Backstage Royal Rumble
number selection scene, with Eric Bischoff, “Nature Boy” Ric Flair, Torrie
Wilson, Teddy Long, Christy Hemme and Eddie Guerrero. Guerrero hugs Flair and
swaps numbers with him!
Heidenreich promo,
Gene Snitsky arrives to motivate him.
2) Casket match: The Undertaker vs Heidenreich
Snitsky got involved to attack The Undertaker, but Kane came down to even the
odds and fight Snitsky through the crowd.
Winner: Undertaker after planting Heidenreich
with a Chokeslam, Taker took a little time to recover, before calling for the
end and then scooping Heidenreich up for a Tombstone Pildriver, planting his
foe and then rolling him into the open Casket, before closing the lid in
Teddy Long has Eddie Guerrero
in his office, asking about Guerrero stealing from Ric Flair, Evolution comes
in and Long has to separate them, with Triple H & Flair cutting promos. Evolution
cools down, Guerrero starts to leave, Long stops Eddie, who has Flair’s wallet!
HHH and Batista go face to face about Rumble strategies, with Flair trying to
preach Evolution.
Christian, Tomko &
Eric Bischoff are in Eric’s office, with Christian about to draw his Rumble number,
Teddy Long comes in. Long talks about drama, Christian draws his number and is
happy, John Cena comes in and Christian confronts him.
3) WWE Championship Triple Threat match: John Bradshaw
Layfield© vs Kurt Angle vs The Big Show
and STILL WWE Champion: JBL after Mark Jindrak pulled out the Referee, distracting
Big Show, Luther Reigns slid into the ring and attacked Show from behind,
dumping him to the floor. Jindrak & Reigns attacked Show, who fought back
and beat them down, only for JBL to be rolled into the ring by Orlando Jordan
& The Bashams, to quickly nail Angle with The Clothesline From Hell and
4) World Heavyweight Championship match: “The
Game” Triple H© vs Randy Orton
and STILL World Champion: HHH after Orton went after HHH’s Sledgehammer, while
the Referee was down, he picked it up, only for HHH to level him with a Lariat!
HHH picked up the Sledgehammer and threw it out of the ring, before planting
Orton with The Pedigree and covering for the win.
Nunzio is walking
through the back, throwing his number ball in the air, when Kurt Angle takes
the ball and argues with Nunzio, telling him to fight him to take the number.
Eric Bischoff and
Teddy Long conversation about the World Title match, when World Champion JBL comes
in, with his Cabinet, celebrating the Title defense. JBL gets in Long’s face, until
Teddy informs him about his next Title defense, at No Way Out, JBL will take on
The Big Show in a Barbed Wire Steel Cage match!
5) 2005 Royal Rumble: Batista eliminated John
Cena to win the Royal Rumble!
Order of Entrants: 1)
Eddie Guerrero, 2) Chris Benoit, 3) Daniel Puder, 4) Hardcore Holly, 5) The
Hurricane, 6) Kenzo Suzuki, 7) Edge, 8) Rey Mysterio Jr., 9) Shelton Benjamin, 10)
Booker T, 11) Chris Jericho, 12) Luther Reigns, 13) Muhammad Hassan, 14) Orlando
Jordan, 15) Scotty Too Hotty (Hassan attacks Scotty from behind, applies The
Camel Clutch on the ramp), 16) Charlie Haas, 17) Rene Dupree, 18) Simon Dean, 19)
Shawn Michaels, 20) Kurt Angle, 21) Jonathan Coachman, 22) Mark Jindrak, 23)
Viscera, 24) Paul London, 25) John Cena, 26) Snitsky, 27) Kane, 28) Batista, 29)
Christian w/Tomko, 30) Ric Flair
Order of Eliminations:
1) Holly eliminated Puder, 2) Benoit & Eddie eliminated Holly, 3) Eddie
eliminated Hurricane, 4) Mysterio eliminated Kenzo, 5) 6 wrestlers teamed up to
eliminated Hassan, 6) Booker eliminated Luther, 7) Booker eliminated Orlando,
8) Eddie eliminated Booker, 9) Scotty Too Hotty could not continue, 10) Edge
eliminated Benjamin, 11) Edge eliminated Eddie, 12) HBK eliminated Dean, 13) HBK
eliminated Haas, 14) HBK eliminated Angle, 15) Angle eliminated HBK, 16) Jericho
eliminated Dupree, 17) Cena eliminated Viscera, 18) Snitsky eliminated London,
19) Kane eliminated Jindrak, 20) Batista eliminated Snitsky, 21) Batista
eliminated Jericho, 22) Cena eliminated Kane, 23) Flair eliminated Coach, 24) Batista
eliminated Christian, 25) Flair eliminated Benoit, 26) Edge eliminated Flair,
27) Edge eliminated Mysterio, 28) Cena & Batista eliminated Edge, 29) Batista
eliminated Cena after Batista pulled Cena up for The Batista Bomb and both men
fell over the top, to the floor. 2 WWE Officials from either brand raised each
man’s hand in victory, causing confusion, which brings Vince McMahon to the
ring. Vince blew out his quad getting into the ring, listening to the Officials
plead their case. Vince can’t get to his feet, Batista throws Cena out, but
Cena gets back in and throws Batista out. Vince calls for an end to the madness
and calls for the RESTART!
WWE Royal Rumble
January 25th, 2004
From The Wachovia Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Jim Ross, Jerry “The
King” Lawler & The Coach on Raw commentary. Taz & Michael Cole on Smackdown
1) WWE World Tag Team Championship Tables
match: Evolution (Batista & “Nature Boy” Ric Flair)© vs The Dudley Boyz
(Bubba Ray & D-Von).
and STILL World Tag Champions: Evolution after D-Von took Flair out with a Diving
Shoulder Block, off the top, Batista slid into the ring and drove D-Von through
a Table with a Spinebuster, ending the match.
Josh Matthews interviews
John Cena, who raps about winning the Royal Rumble, until Rob Van Dam
2) WWE Cruiserweight Championship match: Rey
Mysterio Jr.(c) vs Jamie Noble w/Nidia(blinded)
and STILL Cruiserweight Champion: Mysterio after Nidia accidentally (blindly)
tripped up Noble, allowing Rey to knock Noble into the ropes and use The 619 to
set up Dropping The Dime (Springboard Leg Drop) to the back of the neck and
Noble yells at Nidia.
3) Eddie Guerrero vs Chavo Guerrero Jr. w/Chavo
Guerrero Sr.
Eddie after scoring with The Frog Splash.
Eddie viciously beat down both men, bloodying
Chavo Jr.
Evolution promo,
putting over Chris Benoit
4) WWE Championship match: Brock Lesnar© vs
Hardcore Holly
and STILL WWE Champion: Brock after Holly went for a Full Nelson, only for
Brock to counter with a Judo Throw. Both men rolled to their feet, where Holly
charged, but Brock scooped him up and scored with The F5 to get the win.
5) World Championship Last Man Standing match: “The
Game” Triple H© vs “The Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels
bloody battle.
Match was ruled a Double Knockout after both
BLOODY men got to their feet and HBK went for a Lariat, only for HHH to duck
and follow with The Pedigree, which put both men back down on the mat! HHH pulled
himself up at 7, followed by HBK at 9 and when they gained balance, HHH charged
and HBK blasted him with Sweet Chin Music and both men collapsed again! HBK
started to stir, but collapsed back to the mat, as Referee Earl Hebner finished
the 10 count.
Eric Bischoff comes
out and cuts a heel promo on the Philly crowd, bringing out Paul Heyman! Heyman
gets in the ring and immediately attacks Bischoff, bringing out “Stone Cold”
Steve Austin. Austin tries to figure out what the hell they are thinking,
leading to Austin hitting Bischoff with The Stunner and then Heyman, before
celebrating with beers!
Terri interviews Bill
Goldberg about entering his first Royal Rumble, bringing in WWE Champion Brock
Lesnar to cut a promo on Goldberg.
6) 2004 Royal Rumble: Chris Benoit entered #1
and eliminated The Big Show #29 to win the Royal Rumble!
Order of Entrants: 1) Chris
Benoit, 2) WWE Intercontinental Champion Randy Orton, 3) Mark Henry, 4) Tajiri,
5) Bradshaw, 6) Rhyno, 7) Matt Hardy, 8) Scott Steiner, 9) Matt Morgan, 10) The
Hurricane, 11) Booker T, 12) Kane, 13) Spike Dudley (Undertaker’s gong went off
prior, leading to an eliminated Kane putting Spike down with a Chokeslam on the
ramp), 14) Rikishi, 15) Rene Dupree, 16) A-Train, 17) Shelton Benjamin, 18) Ernest
“The Cat” Miller, 19) Kurt Angle, 20) Rico, 21) Test (Never came out, cameras
go to back, Test is knocked out cold. Steve Austin tells someone off camera that
they are now #21) Mick Foley!, 22) Christian, 23) Nunzio (Foley gave Nunzio
Socko, until Orton stopped the attack), 24) The Big Show, 25) Chris Jericho,
26) Charlie Haas, 27) Billy Gunn, 28) John Cena, 29) Rob Van Dam, 30) Goldberg
WWE Royal Rumble
January 30th, 2005
From The St. Marks Center in Fresno, California
Michael Cole & Taz
on commentary for Smackdown. Jerry “The King” Lawler & Jim Ross on Raw
1) Edge vs “The Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels
Edge after countering The Sweet Chin Music into an Electric Chair Drop, Edge slowly
crawled into the cover, picking up a 2. Both men got to their feet and
exchanged shots, until Edge went for an Irish Whip, which Michaels countered
into a Sunset Flip, but Edge rolled out and applied The Edgecution (Standing
modified Figure Four), torturing HBK, until he got to the ropes. Edge went to
follow up, Michaels used an Inside Cradle for a 2, Edge pulled him back up,
only for HBK to use an O’Connor Roll, which Edge escaped by pulling Michaels’
tights to reverse the hold and pull the ropes to sit deep into the pin!
Backstage Royal Rumble
number selection scene, with Eric Bischoff, “Nature Boy” Ric Flair, Torrie
Wilson, Teddy Long, Christy Hemme and Eddie Guerrero. Guerrero hugs Flair and
swaps numbers with him!
Heidenreich promo,
Gene Snitsky arrives to motivate him.
2) Casket match: The Undertaker vs Heidenreich
Snitsky got involved to attack The Undertaker, but Kane came down to even the
odds and fight Snitsky through the crowd.
Winner: Undertaker after planting Heidenreich
with a Chokeslam, Taker took a little time to recover, before calling for the
end and then scooping Heidenreich up for a Tombstone Pildriver, planting his
foe and then rolling him into the open Casket, before closing the lid in
Teddy Long has Eddie Guerrero
in his office, asking about Guerrero stealing from Ric Flair, Evolution comes
in and Long has to separate them, with Triple H & Flair cutting promos. Evolution
cools down, Guerrero starts to leave, Long stops Eddie, who has Flair’s wallet!
HHH and Batista go face to face about Rumble strategies, with Flair trying to
preach Evolution.
Christian, Tomko &
Eric Bischoff are in Eric’s office, with Christian about to draw his Rumble number,
Teddy Long comes in. Long talks about drama, Christian draws his number and is
happy, John Cena comes in and Christian confronts him.
3) WWE Championship Triple Threat match: John Bradshaw
Layfield© vs Kurt Angle vs The Big Show
and STILL WWE Champion: JBL after Mark Jindrak pulled out the Referee, distracting
Big Show, Luther Reigns slid into the ring and attacked Show from behind,
dumping him to the floor. Jindrak & Reigns attacked Show, who fought back
and beat them down, only for JBL to be rolled into the ring by Orlando Jordan
& The Bashams, to quickly nail Angle with The Clothesline From Hell and
4) World Heavyweight Championship match: “The
Game” Triple H© vs Randy Orton
and STILL World Champion: HHH after Orton went after HHH’s Sledgehammer, while
the Referee was down, he picked it up, only for HHH to level him with a Lariat!
HHH picked up the Sledgehammer and threw it out of the ring, before planting
Orton with The Pedigree and covering for the win.
Nunzio is walking
through the back, throwing his number ball in the air, when Kurt Angle takes
the ball and argues with Nunzio, telling him to fight him to take the number.
Eric Bischoff and
Teddy Long conversation about the World Title match, when World Champion JBL comes
in, with his Cabinet, celebrating the Title defense. JBL gets in Long’s face, until
Teddy informs him about his next Title defense, at No Way Out, JBL will take on
The Big Show in a Barbed Wire Steel Cage match!
5) 2005 Royal Rumble: Batista eliminated John
Cena to win the Royal Rumble!
Order of Entrants: 1)
Eddie Guerrero, 2) Chris Benoit, 3) Daniel Puder, 4) Hardcore Holly, 5) The
Hurricane, 6) Kenzo Suzuki, 7) Edge, 8) Rey Mysterio Jr., 9) Shelton Benjamin, 10)
Booker T, 11) Chris Jericho, 12) Luther Reigns, 13) Muhammad Hassan, 14) Orlando
Jordan, 15) Scotty Too Hotty (Hassan attacks Scotty from behind, applies The
Camel Clutch on the ramp), 16) Charlie Haas, 17) Rene Dupree, 18) Simon Dean, 19)
Shawn Michaels, 20) Kurt Angle, 21) Jonathan Coachman, 22) Mark Jindrak, 23)
Viscera, 24) Paul London, 25) John Cena, 26) Snitsky, 27) Kane, 28) Batista, 29)
Christian w/Tomko, 30) Ric Flair
Order of Eliminations:
1) Holly eliminated Puder, 2) Benoit & Eddie eliminated Holly, 3) Eddie
eliminated Hurricane, 4) Mysterio eliminated Kenzo, 5) 6 wrestlers teamed up to
eliminated Hassan, 6) Booker eliminated Luther, 7) Booker eliminated Orlando,
8) Eddie eliminated Booker, 9) Scotty Too Hotty could not continue, 10) Edge
eliminated Benjamin, 11) Edge eliminated Eddie, 12) HBK eliminated Dean, 13) HBK
eliminated Haas, 14) HBK eliminated Angle, 15) Angle eliminated HBK, 16) Jericho
eliminated Dupree, 17) Cena eliminated Viscera, 18) Snitsky eliminated London,
19) Kane eliminated Jindrak, 20) Batista eliminated Snitsky, 21) Batista
eliminated Jericho, 22) Cena eliminated Kane, 23) Flair eliminated Coach, 24) Batista
eliminated Christian, 25) Flair eliminated Benoit, 26) Edge eliminated Flair,
27) Edge eliminated Mysterio, 28) Cena & Batista eliminated Edge, 29) Batista
eliminated Cena after Batista pulled Cena up for The Batista Bomb and both men
fell over the top, to the floor. 2 WWE Officials from either brand raised each
man’s hand in victory, causing confusion, which brings Vince McMahon to the
ring. Vince blew out his quad getting into the ring, listening to the Officials
plead their case. Vince can’t get to his feet, Batista throws Cena out, but
Cena gets back in and throws Batista out. Vince calls for an end to the madness
and calls for the RESTART!
WWE Royal Rumble 25th
January 28th
From The Scott Trade
Center in St. Louis, Missouri
Cole, Jerry “The King” Lawler and Booker T on commentary.
Heavyweight Championship Triple Threat Cage match: Daniel Bryan© vs “The World’s
Strongest Man” Mark Henry vs The Big Show
Winner and STILL World Champion: Bryan after Show knocked out Henry
with The Weapon of Mass Destruction and covered, only for Bryan to break it up
and immediately climb to the top of the cage and get to the other side, as Show
got to the top and struggled with Bryan, even holding him by one hand, off the
side of the cage, until Bryan fought loose and slipped to the floor to retain
the championship!
Hype for
John Cena vs The Rock’s upcoming Wrestlemania Main Event!
Diva Tag match: WWE Divas Champion “The Glamazon” Beth Phoenix, Natalya &
The Bella Twins (Brie & Nikki) vs Kelly Kelly, Alicia Fox, Eve Torres &
Winners: Phoenix, Natalya & The Bellas after Phoenix tagged Nikki
out and told her to get out of her ring, before entering and planting Kelly
with The Glam Slam, following with the pin.
of Kane destroying Zack Ryder and Eve Torres blaming John Cena. Ryder is shown
being wheeled through backstage, wearing a body brace, when John Lauranitis
walks up and mockingly greets Ryder, who tells him off, followed by Eve showing
up and telling Lauranitis off.
Cena vs “The Monster” Kane
Match was ruled a Double Count Out when they continued to brawl
outside of the ring and up the entrance. The match was thrown out, yet they
continued their brawl to the backstage area, where Kane laid out Cena with
chair shots and then turned his attention to Zack Ryder’s room. Kane kicked
open the door and then fought off the wheel chaired Ryder, choking him out and
then wheeling him to ringside, where he dumped him on the floor. Kane threw
Zack into the ring and stalked in, only for Eve Torres to run out and try to
beg Kane off, only Kane lifted Ryder up and planted him with a Tombstone
Cena ran back out and continued
the fight with Kane, who was able to plant Cena with a Chokeslam and stand
Hype for
John Cena vs The Rock’s upcoming Wrestlemania Main Event.
McIntyre vs “The Funkasaurus” Brodus Clay w/The Funkadactyls (Cameron & Naomi)
Winner: Clay after crushing Drew with a Body Avalanche in the corner
and quickly following with a Running Cross Body and holding on for the 3.
Championship match: CM Punk© vs “The Showoff” Dolph Ziggler w/Vickie Guerrero
Special Guest Referee: Interim General Manager John Lauranitis.
Lauaranitis cuts a promo, saying that, in the name of fairness, he will oversee
the officiating from the floor and brings out a Referee to call the in ring
action. Just as the match started, Lauaranitis stepped in the ring and had
Vickie banned from ringside!
Winner and STILL WWE Champion:
Punk after catching Ziggler as he jumped at him, before dropping him with a
double leg takedown and then catapulting Ziggler into the corner, following
with The GTS and the cover, as Lauaranitis slid in to count the fall, with the
Royal Rumble: Sheamus wins the Royal Rumble and earns a Title shot at
Order of Entrance: 1) The Miz, 2) Alex Riley, 3) R-Truth, 4) WWE
Intercontinental Champion Cody Rhodes, 5) Justin Gabriel, 6) WWE Tag Team
Champion Primo, 7) Mick Foley, 8) Ricardo Rodriguez, 9) Santino Marella, 10) WWE
Tag Team Champion Epico, 11) Kofi Kingston, 12) Jerry “The King” Lawler, 13) Ezekiel
Jackson, 14) Jinder Mahal, 15) The Great Khali, 16) Hunico, 17) Booker T, 18) Dolph
Ziggler, 19) “Hacksaw” Jim Duggan, 20) Michael Cole, 21) Kharma, 22) Sheamus,
23) Road Dogg, 24) Jey Uso, 25) “The All-American American” Jack Swagger, 26)
Wade Barrett, 27) David Otunga, 28) “The Viper” Randy Orton, 29) Chris Jericho,
30) The Big Show
Order of Eliminations: 1) Miz eliminated Riley, 2) Miz eliminated
Truth, 3) Foley eliminated Primo, 4) Foley & Rodriguez eliminated Gabriel,
5) Santino eliminated Rodriguez, 6) Foley eliminated Epico, 7) Rhodes
eliminated Marella, 8) Rhodes eliminated Foley, 9) Rhodes eliminated Lawler,
10) Khali eliminated Mahal, 11) Khali eliminated Jackson, 12) Rhodes eliminated
Duggan, 13) Rhodes eliminated Khali, 14) Rhodes eliminated Booker T, 15) Kharma
eliminated Cole, 16) Kharma eliminated Hunico, 17) Dolph eliminated Kharma, 18)
Sheamus eliminated Kofi, 19) Barrett eliminated Road Dogg, 20) Orton eliminated
Uso, 21) Orton eliminated Barrett, 22) Jericho eliminated Otunga, 23) Show
eliminated Swagger, 24) Show eliminated Miz, 25) Show eliminated Rhodes, 26) Show
eliminated Dolph, 27) Orton eliminated Show, 28) Jericho eliminated Orton, 29) Sheamus
eliminated Jericho
WWE Royal Rumble
January 27th,
From Chase Field in
Phoenix, Arizona
Kick Off Show:
1) WWE Raw Tag Team Champions Bobby Roode &
Chad Gable vs Rezar & Scott Dawson w/Drake Maverick
Roode & Gable after Roode used a Reverse Neckbreaker, as Gable hit a
Moonsault, to put Dawson down for the 3.
2) W/WE United States Championship match: Rusev©
w/”The Ravishing Russian” Lana vs Shinsuke Nakamura
and NEW US Champion: Nakamura after Shinsuke started loosening the top turnbuckle,
Lana got on the apron to alert the Referee and stop Nakamura. Shinsuke got in her
face and then moved as Rusev charged, knocking Lana off the apron and into an
apparent ankle injury. Rusev called for Lana and looked on in concern, only for
Nakamura to catch him with Kinshasa to the back of the neck and cover for the
3) WWE Cruiserweight Championship Fatal Four
Way: Buddy Murphy© vs Kalisto vs Hideo Itami vs Akira Tozawa
and STILL Cruiserweight Champion: Murphy after defeating Itami in a strike exchange,
blasting him with consecutive V-Triggers, before snapping off Murphy’s Law
(Pump Handle Angle Slam) to get the win. (DOPE AS FUCK)
Main Show:
1) WWE Smackdown Women’s Championship match: “The
Empress of Tomorrow” Asuka© vs “The Man” Becky Lynch
and STILL Smackdown Women’s Champion: Asuka after Lynch used an O’Connor Roll
for a 2 and immediately charged, but Asuka countered and rolled Lynch into The
Asuka Lock, battling for control, before bridging forward into a Cattle Mutilation
modification, forcing Lynch to Tap Out. (Good)
2) WWE Smackdown Tag Team Championship match: The
Bar (Cesaro & Sheamus)© vs The Miz & Shane McMahon
and NEW Smackdown Tag Champions: The Miz & Shane after The Miz pushed
Cesaro in the way of The Brogue Kick from Sheamus, Miz followed with The Skull
Crushing Finale on Sheamus, allowing Shane to go to the top and score with a
Shooting Star Press on Cesaro to get the win.
3) WWE Raw Women’s Championship match: “Rowdy”
Ronda Rousey© vs “The Boss” Sasha Banks
and STILL Raw Women’s Champion: Rousey after snapping Banks down with a Death
Valley Driver, before rolling her back up into The Piper’s Pit (Twisting Samoan
Drop) to get the win.
“The Glamazon” Beth
Phoenix joins commentary for the Rumble.
4) Women’s Royal Rumble: Becky eliminated
Charlotte to win the Royal Rumble!
of Entrants: 1) Lacey Evans, 2) Natalya, 3) Mandy Rose, 4) Liv Morgan, 5) Mickie
James, 6) Ember Moon, 7) Billie Kay, 8) Nikki Cross, 9) Peyton Royce, 10) Tamina,
11) Xia Li, 12) Sarah Logan, 13) Charlotte Flair, 14) Kairi Sane, 15) Maria Kanellis,
16) Naomi, 17) Candice LeRae, 18) Alicia Fox, 19) Kacy Catanzaro, 20) Zelina
Vega, 21) Ruby Riott, 22) Dana Brooke, 23) Io Shirai, 24) Rhea Ripley, 25) Sonya
Deville, 26) Alexa Bliss, 27) Bayley, 28) Lana (injured her ankle earlier in
the night, could not make it to the ring. Jax then attacked her ankle on the
way to the ring), 29) Nia Jax, 30) Carmella. Becky Lynch came out and argued
with Fit Finlay to let him take Lana’s spot in the Rumble, to which he finally
let her enter.
of Eliminations: 1) Natalya eliminated Liv, 2) Tamina eliminated Mickie, 3) The
Iconics eliminated Nikki Cross, 4) Evans eliminated Royce, 5) Evans eliminated
Billie Kay, 6) Charlotte eliminated Xia, 7) Charlotte eliminated Tamina, 8) Natalya
& Kairi eliminated Logan, 9) Naomi eliminated Rose, 10) Rose eliminated
Naomi, 11) Charlotte eliminated Lacey, 12) Alicia eliminated Maria, 13) Riott
eliminated Fox, 14) Riott eliminated LeRae, 15) Riott eliminated Kairi, 16) Ripley
eliminated Catanzaro, 17) Ripley eliminated Brooke, 18) Ripley eliminated Vega,
19) Bliss eliminated Deville, 20) Bayley eliminated Riott, 21) Bayley
eliminated Ripley, 22) Jax eliminated Shirai, 23) Jax eliminated Natalya, 24) Bliss
eliminated Moon, 25) Bayley & Carmella eliminated Bliss, 26) Charlotte
eliminated Carmella, 27) Jax & Carmella eliminated Bayley, 28) Becky
eliminated Jax, 29) Becky eliminated Charlotte
Natalya went 55:58
(New Record)
5) WWE Championship match: “The New” Daniel
Bryan© vs “The Phenomenal” AJ Styles
in the match, Erick Rowan, in street clothes, walks down to ringside for a
closer look.
Winner and STILL WWE Champion: Bryan after
accidentally knocking the Referee down, Bryan was planted with The Styles Clash
and pinned, only for Rowan to enter the ring and lift AJ out of the pin, in a Brain
Claw, before PLANTING him to the mat with The Claw Slam. Rowan left the ring,
as Bryan crawled into the pin and the Ref came to and counted the 3.
Rowan held AJ up, so
Daniel could blast him with The Busaiku Knee.
6) WWE Universal Championship match: “The Beast
Incarnate” Brock Lesnar© w/Paul Heyman vs Finn Balor
and STILL Universal Champion: Brock after Balor crushed an injured Brock with
The Coup de Gras and covered, Brock escaped at 2 and wrapped Balor up in The Kimura
Lock, wrenching it in and forcing Finn to Tap Out.
Brock attacked Finn
with German Suplexes and stalked him, before using a third German Suplex to put
Balor down. Brock celebrated with his Title and his music played, only for
Brock to go back and plant Finn with The F5.
Jerry “The King”
Lawler & JBL join commentary for the Rumble.
7) Men’s Royal Rumble: Seth Rollins eliminated
Braun Strowman to win the Royal Rumble
of Entrants: 1) Elias, 2) Jeff Jarrett, 3) WWE US Champion Shinsuke Nakamura,
4) Kurt Angle, 5) Big E., 6) NXT North American Champion Johnny Gargano, 7)
Jinder Mahal, 8) Samoa Joe, 9) Curt Hawkins, 10) Seth Rollins, 11) Titus O’Neil,
12) Kofi Kingston, 13) Mustafa Ali, 14) Dean Ambrose, 15) No Way Jose, 16) Drew
McIntyre, 17) Xavier Woods, 18) WWE UK Champion Pete Dunne, 19) Andrade, 20) Apollo
Crews, 21) Aleister Black, 22) Shelton Benjamin, 23) Baron Corbin, 24) Jeff
Hardy, 25) Rey Mysterio Jr., 26) WWE Intercontinental Champion “The Almighty”
Bobby Lashley w/Lio Rush, 27) Braun Strowman, 28) Dolph Ziggler, 29) Randy Orton,
30) R-Truth (Truth started his entrance, only for NIA JAX to attack him and
take his spot!)
of Eliminations: 1) Elias eliminated JJ, 2) Shinsuke eliminated Angle, 3) Gargano
eliminated Mahal, 4) Joe eliminated Big E., 5) Rollins eliminated Elias, 6)
Hawkins eliminated Titus, 7) Joe eliminated Hawkins, 8) Ali eliminated
Nakamura, 9) Ambrose eliminated Gargano, 10) Joe eliminated No Way, 11) McIntyre
eliminated Woods, 12) McIntyre eliminated Kofi, 13) Aleister eliminated
Ambrose, 14) Mustafa Ali eliminated Samoa Joe 15) Corbin eliminated Apollo, 16)
Corbin eliminated Aleister, 17) McIntyre eliminated Dunne, 18) Rollins eliminated
Lashley, 19) Braun eliminated Corbin, 20) Braun eliminated Benjamin, 21) Braun
eliminated Hardy, 22) Ziggler eliminated McIntyre, 23) Jax eliminated Mustafa
Ali, 24) Mysterio eliminated Jax, 25) Orton eliminated Mysterio, 26) Andrade
eliminated Orton, 27) Braun eliminated Andrade, 28) Braun eliminated Ziggler,
29) Rollins eliminated Braun